The Sales Agent figures out what parts of the purchase order can be fulfilled and forms a purchase order confirmation that provides a detailed line-by-line account of the items it can provide. SalesAgent计算出购买订单的哪些部分可以满足,然后形成购买订单确认,以提供一份详细说明,逐行显示所能供应的物品。
When you get to the penultimate step and click purchase, you should be taken to the Confirmation page, which looks just as it did in Customize Me Now 1.2. 当到达倒数第二个步骤并单击purchase时,就会进入Confirmation页面,它看上去正如在CustomizeMeNow1.2中的一样。
The process at JoeLaptops then sends the purchase order confirmation to an ACME process that accepts purchase order confirmations. 然后,JoeLaptops的流程将购买订单确认发送到接受购买订单确认的ACME流程。
Next, Company B invokes a Web service on Company A and sends the purchase order confirmation as a request, and receives a receipt acknowledging the purchase order confirmation as the response. 随后,公司B针对公司A调用一个Web服务,处理完后公司B发送订购单确认作为对公司A的请求,然后公司A将发送订购单确认已收到作为对公司B的响应。
Your purchase does not guarantee confirmation. 你的购买行为没有担保确认。
Applicants who receive the prequalification notice are required a written confirm in24 hours after been notified and purchase the bidding documents in3 days after confirmation. 申请人收到通知后,应于24小时内书面复函确认,并于复函之日起3日内按规定到指定地点购买招标文件。
To acquaint you with our purchase terms, we enclose a blank form of our confirmation of order for your reference. 为便于贵方熟悉我方交易条件,随附我方空白订货确认书一份,供贵方参考。
If the date or the period is not stated in the Contract it must be stated by the Seller on the purchase order form and shall be subject to confirmation by the Buyer. 如果合同中未载明交付时间,则交付时间应当由卖方在购货单中注明并经由买方确认。
If you intend to purchase more than one product of the same series, we shall display the product one by one as you requirements for your confirmation. 买家购买同一系列多件产品,我们可根据买家要求一一展示,供买家逐件确认。
To place the purchase order to suppliers, get confirmation about delivery date and feedback supervisor supplier's confirmation. 下达采购订单给供应商,与供应商确认交货日期并反馈情况给采购主管。
The buyer himself must sign the Purchase Confirmation on the spot. 买受人必须当场亲自签署成交确认书。
Prepare purchase orders based on MRP requisitions, quotations received, and obtain confirmation for delivery. 根据MRP需求,报价下采购订单并获得交货计划。
Our purchase confirmation will be sent to you very soon. 我方订货确认书不日将寄达你处。
A Discussion on the Purchase Confirmation of Commercial Housing 商品房认购书问题探讨